Stop Suffering from Sleep Disorders in Everett WA
CitySleepLab is dedicated to researching and finding cures for sleep apnea and other sleep disorders in Everett WA.

Contact us to set up an initial consultation with one of our doctors and we will determine if you need a sleep study.
Set an appointmentConsultation
Set up an initial consultation with one of our doctors and we will determine if you need a sleep study.
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Treatment Options
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy measures the air it will take to move the muscles so your brain can get the oxygen it needs.
We can cut some tissues in the necessary areas to eliminate crowding and provide a wider opening for air to pass through.
Mouth guards can help with re-adjustments of your jaw. These are made by a dentist and worn at night
Man is the only mammal
that willingly delays sleep.